Sunday, 29 January 2012

How To Make Money from Your Kitchen Rubbish Bin

The Green Shoots of Recovery

Yes you have heard this expression I fell about laughing when  I first heard it on News at 10, although seriously it isnt a laughing matter I laughed because nobody I knew could see a Green Shoot more like a few shrivelled weeds so, maybe The Baroness hads special X Ray vision.

 However to launch a Business or explain a concept its a great name, so I  must confess  I went and bought the domain name because it really describes what I  really want to do, its my passion my Green Shoots of  Recovery.
Its dependant on helping others.
Help people, not just with my current Business Model  Financial Services, Coaching and Recovery but by the concept of allowing people to be able to define and confirm back to me that perhaps through my Company's and Colleagues  aid, advice, experience  products, services interactions, firstly as  human beings, secondly as business Owners  I had managed to help them see or even find  their own Green Shoots. But also that their ideas and interests and abilities applied to their individual problems whether a refinance or Remortgage a recovery of a small Business that's Insolvent or a single Mum finding new creative ways to feed her children and make ends meet, that kind of Green Shoots.

For present the web site is being constructed but for now Ill have to keep you in the picture from my Bloggs.
The Current over talked about Recession is responsible and the consequence that many people here classified as Middle Class Brits are loosing their way, not forsaking the fact that some will or have already lost homes cars Businesses and self respect. Job centres are having less jobs to offer Career Paths are coming to a halt for many, Benefit offices will be handing out less to more and greater needier people and students are not  looking forward to a future with heavy debt burdens as we have witnessed with the recent protests.
On top of that the way  our  economy works is going to change. Change on a scale that perhaps we haven't seen since the Industrial revolution. Colossal Change Reorganisation. Perhaps we will begin to see the  end of the large corporations. As these are  replaced with thousands of smaller corporations that's you and I in many cases running small home based businesses from the Garden shed to the Garage or the Kitchen Table. More people than ever will need to change direction do something new start again or add to what they have. The benefits of the Communication age, perhaps we have only just began to realise but for us all change.
So what is the answer?

The UK owes a staggering £4.8 billion Pounds, you and I our Children and Grandchildren have to find the interest payments, work out the number of noughts and then figure out how to help to repay the Capital and then there is the  Taxes?
Every 70 to 90 years, we see a major Stock market correction on a large scale a property slump even
a depression , most off us are to young to remember but the last one in 1929 the Great Wall Street depression triggered much of the same pain as today but without the massive credit squeeze certainly affecting the average Britain and also our Neighbours in Europe and across the pond. Who is to blame is it the greedy Bankers the Government or our Greed and over consumption who knows?
I know the credit Squeeze only to well up close and very personal,  how it affects businesses. One of my companies PAS Financial and Mortgage Solutions Ltd  was quickly downsized from my small Commercial Office back to my Home to contain costs. Main cause the recession lack of Bank lending in the form of Mortgages for my customers and the huge decline in the Mortgage Market.
Fortunately like many people need or are looking for diversification into assisting debt distressed customers was right up my street as I  had considerable experience in Personal and Corporate recovery running a small Coaching and Mentoring Business for over 7 years helping literately walking people through difficult and distressing situations, from a concept
 I  call The Green Shoots of Recovery which does essentially  two things.

  1. Assists and guides with appropriate professionals to recover the individual, Business or Company by use of Recovery Insolvency Tools and Advice.
  2. By Coaching and Mentoring the people clients concerned introducing new products and services with  which they can start the process  to rebuild their lives. 
One of my beliefs is to move with the times. As we are in the Information Age it is always important to seek new creative environmentally friendly ideas that seek to improve and solve the problem from all directions including the Big One Global Warming.

The most basic created  tool is listed above my product will assist for a very small cost notably £9.97 people, individuals to not just rebuild their lives but to retrain the way they think and operate from a very basic Situation even where they may be financially distressed to get to the point where they can earn an additional second income and where they are in control of their lives.
This is designed to help an  un - employed person unable to get back to their respective career path, a student, a single Mum. a Business Executive. With Capital or without either way that wont stand in your way as the excuse, but also  something i have discovered a great fun  way to spend more time with your wife and kids and educate them at the same time.
Currently running a Mortgage Company and starting a Business Called the Green Shoots of Recovery I have seen so much pain and suffering with this current recession. I have spent 25 years in Financial Services helped to finance Houses and Offices and helped people in the last 5 years recover themselves and their Businesses. I seek to do this with experience and expertise of running Businesses and a few success full property develop.

  • Where are you Now???
  •  How well are you Coping???

Are you like most people feeling impoverished before Christmas???

Would a few extra Quid earned in an interesting unusual way help you out,

If So Contact me on
Ask me to e mail to you  How to make money from your Kitchen Rubbish Bin

The Current over talked about Recession is responsible and the consequence that many people here classified as Middle Class Brits are loosing their way, not forsaking the fact that some will or have already lost homes cars Businesses and self respect. Job centres are having less jobs to offer Career Paths are coming to a halt for many, Benefit offices will be handing out less to more and greater needier people and students are looking forward to a future with heavy debt.

On top of that the way the economy works is going to change. The end of the large corporations will be replaced with thousands of smaller corporations that's you and I in many cases running small home based businesses from the Garden shed to the Garage or the Kitchen Table. More people than ever will need to change direction do something new start again or add to what they have

It all amounts to one thing change.

So what is the answer?
The UK owes a staggering £4.8 billion Pounds, you and I our Children and Grandchildren have to find the interest payments.

Every 70 to 90 years we see a major Stock market correction on a  large scale a property slump even
a depression , most off us are to young to remember but the last one in 1929 the Great Wall Street depression triggered much of the same pain as today but without the massive credit squeeze certainly affecting the average Britain and also our Neighbours in Europe and across the pond.
I know the credit Squeeze only to well and how it affects businesses as one of my companies PAS Financial and Mortgage Solutions Ltd  was quickly downsized from my small Commercial Office back to my Home to contain costs. Main cause the recession lack of Bank lending in the form of Mortgages for my customers and the huge decline in the Mortgage Market.
Fortunately like many people need or are looking for i had considerable experience in Personal and Corporate recovery running a small Coaching and Mentoring Business helping literately walking people through difficult and distressing situations, from a concept i call The Green Shoots of Recovery which does two things
1 Assists and guides with appropriate professionals to recover the individual business or Company by use of Recovery Insolvency Tools and Advice
2 By Coaching and Mentoring the people clients concerned introducing new products and services which they can start to rebuild their lives with.

The most basic tool is listed above my product will  assist  for a very small cost people, individuals to not just rebuild their lives but to retrain the way they think and operate from a very basic situation even where they may be financially distressed to get to the point where they can earn an additional second income and where they are in control of their lives.
This is designed to help an un employed person unable to get back to their respective career path .
So get in touch if you are in need of refinance Restructure or Looking for your Green Shoots experience

Based in Dorking Surrey

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